DevTalks, Bucharest 2019-06
Dev<Talks/> is the largest IT conference in Romania. This year I have had the pleasure to be a speaker representing Kambi.
To give the talk has been a great experience. I’m very grateful for all their support received from the DevTalks organization and Kambi’s Bucharest office. The talk would have not been possible either without the collaboration of the Manila team that develop our risk management application.
It has been an excellent opportunity to show how we work at Kambi and which kind of technologies we use.
One of our tools to manage risk was created ten years ago. With new business demands it needs to scale way beyond original requirements. Legacy Java technologies and limited vertical scaling limit the functionality of the tool. From proof of concept to implementation, I presented how to refactor a service into a modern horizontal-scaling Java back-end service.
After the conference, I had time to go around the city of Bucharest and do some tourism before heading to Barcelona.
As I am already traveling, I take the opportunity to go to Barcelona. This way I save one flight. It is a quick visit to friends and family.